Tales of Hearts R - Ch.1 Shibul Village End ★Play PS Vita テイルズ オブ ハーツ R
Tales of Hearts R been a fan of tales series since destiny ps1 Website A full remake for PlayStation Vita, The vastly improved game is based on the anime version. The colors are more vivid, the towns become more vibrant with life and the dungeons become even more creepy. Buy it on PSN or Characters designed by the illustrator Inomata Mutsumi springs to life, and all the main scenarios are voiced. Gamers can use the Chase Link to launch aerial attacks to prevent foes from escaping. The game will also see the introduction of two new playable characters in the story, one of which were not present in the original game. The two new playable characters are Calcedony Arkham and Galad Grinus. **Copyright Disclaimer** All Copyrights and Trademarks herein are the property of their respective owners, This gameplay video is not intended to infringe any copyright laws in any way, This is for the sole purpose of promotions, entertainment and education value.