Résultats de votre recherche: "bayonetta"
01:22 Populaire
Bayonetta 2 Theme - Tomorrow is Mine (Nintendo Direct)
Ajoutées 484 Vues / 0 LikesJust extracted it from nintendo direct japan. Cant mute satoru iwata's voice however. :p Lyrics: You awoke and unleashed the fire in my heart~ I will dance and I'll defeat them through the land of dark Your mistake was to underestimate my heart Oh let go
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05:24 Populaire
Bayonetta 2 Soundtrack- Tomorrow is Mine
Ajoutées 608 Vues / 0 LikesLyrics: (Tomorrow is mine) You awoke and unleashed The fire in my heart I will dance and I'll defeat them Through the light and the dark Your mistake was to Underestimate my power Won't let go of the fight, 'Til tomorrow is mine I will ignite, Dancin' thr
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25:01 Populaire
BAYONETTA 2 WII U @E3 2014 - Demo Gameplay
Ajoutées 553 Vues / 0 LikesTWITTER : @CoreSublime FACEBOOK : Así es la demo de Bayonetta 2 Wii U del E3 2014!
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17:50 Populaire
Bayonetta 2 - Masked Lumen Sage Boss Battle TRUE-HD QUALITY
Ajoutées 818 Vues / 0 Likes►► Remember to select 720p or 1080p HD◄◄ Masked Lumen Sage boss battle in Bayonetta 2. Platforms: Wii U Exclusive Genre: Action Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Platinum Games Release Date: US: TBA 2014 EU: TBA 2014
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26:27 Populaire
Bayonetta 2 Gameplay Demo - IGN Live: E3 2014
Ajoutées 585 Vues / 0 LikesBayonetta returns and we check out some gameplay at our E3 Live booth.
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20:03 Populaire
Nintendo Treehouse: Live @ E3 2014 -- Day 3: Bayonetta 2
Ajoutées 496 Vues / 0 LikesOfficial Nintendo @ E3 Website: Like Nintendo on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Pinterest: Follow us on Google+: +Nintendo UK: Germany: Switzerland: Austria: France: Spain: Netherlands: Italy: Portugal: België: Belgiq
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00:49 Populaire
Bayonetta 2 - Co-op Trailer TRUE-HD QUALITY
Ajoutées 484 Vues / 0 Likes►► Remember to select 720p HD◄◄ Choose your character and join forces with a friend online** to wreak havoc on angels and demons alike. Platforms: Wii U Exclusive Genre: Action Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Platinum Games Release Date: US: TBA 2014 EU: T
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03:38 Populaire
Princess Bayonetta and co-op Zelda Wii U - News Flash
Ajoutées 429 Vues / 0 LikesBayonetta can dress up as princess Peach in Bayonetta 2 and Zelda on the Wii U could get a co-op mode. All that and much more in your Monday News flash! ► Follow us on Twitter - ► Or like us on Facebook - ► Tara's channel - ► TamTu's channel - Download ou
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24:00 Populaire
Off-Screen Gameplay - Bayonetta 2 @ Nintendo Post-E3 Event 2014
Ajoutées 466 Vues / 0 LikesWer bisher nur Nintendo-Konsolen sein Eigen nannte, hatte leider noch keine Gelegenheit die Hexe Bayonetta kennenzulernen. Dies ändert sich ab Oktober aber zum Glück, denn dann erscheint das von Platinum Games entwickelte Spiel für die Wii U! Da einige au